Created by Darlene 8 years ago
We do not need a special day to bring you to our minds mamma... The days we do not think of you are very hard to find... Each morning when we awake, we know that you are gone... And no one knows the heart ache as we try to carry on...
Our hearts still ache with sadness and secret tears still flow... What it meant to lose you, no one will ever know... Our thoughts are always with you, your place no one can fill. In life we loved you dearly; in death we love you still. There will always be a heartache, and often a silent tear... But always a precious memory of the days when you were here...

If tears could make a staircase, and heartaches make a lane, We'd walk the path to heaven and bring you home again... We hold you close within our hearts; and there you will remain, to walk with us throughout our lives until we meet again... Our family chain is broken now, and nothing seems the same, But as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again...
Until then....
I love you & miss you so much. Happy Birthday In Heaven MAMMA
All My Love,